Would religion dissolve? Think about it. The major religions definitely have an epicenter, if you will. If you start dispersing people en mass, they will be exposed to different culture. They will be exposed and expose belief systems they are familiar with and not familiar with. Ideas will be traded. An almost forced enlightenment will happen. Same with education. It would be an explosion of enlightenment. Groups of people talking, sharing, communing that would have never met under normal circumstance, even in this great age of the internet. Now lets move to the human genome, yes "interbreeding" between different races happens in today’s society. I absolutely hate the fact that I wrote interbreeding for lack of a better word, makes it sound like dogs and cats are screwing. Sorry about that sidebar...and mental image... Would this mandatory migration mix our genetics better than our current statistically stagnant gene puddles? Lets be honest, statistically speaking, the majority of the genetics of the US have been in our shallow end of the pool for quite some time. And the shallow pool of the United States had shallow beginnings not very long ago in comparison with the rest of the world.
I really have no idea where this came from, where it would go, or even if it would make sense to anyone more familiar with genetics and evolution like Richard Dawkins. I wouldn't mind someone in the field chiming in on the comments area. Anyway, just an interesting thought.

That's it for now!
- The one, The ONLY, Holytotemic
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