Photos, video highlights, and drone footage of our urban exploration of Silo City. We had a lot of magnetic interference here, so the GoPro footage was lost. The drone footage was fine, but most of my camera photos were upside down and sideways and had to be corrected in post. My drone was even complaining about magnetic interference most of the time and it crashed once due to the sensors going wonkey. It was an experience for sure. Drone: Mavic Air All HD Photos and uncut video for this available here: History: _________________________________________ Silo City is a campus of historic grain elevators along the Buffalo River. These monumental scale grain elevators were constructed in Buffalo in the first half of the twentieth century. Silo City is a collection of three grain elevators on Childs Street owned by Rick Smith of Rigidized Metals Corp. who dubbed the site "Silo City." Perot Malting Elevator / American Malting Elevator / Genesee Brewing Elevator, Located just past the American Elevator. The 1907 complex, with 1933 additions, consists of two distinct buildings: the workhouse/elevator and the malthouse. It was connected to the American Elevator next door by an overhead conveyor that transferred grain to the Perot bins. The elevator complex was used for malting barley for beer. _________________________________________ ♫Music By♫ _________________________________________ Run Wild - Thutmose (feat. NoMBe): Makers Anthem - Morillo: Vibin - KUTZ: Rift - KRANE X Awoltalk: Video Sunshine - Knox Hamilton: Dubstep - Bensound: Beings - Check Point: Summer - Bensound: JP - Tha Club: Youtube Royalty Free Music (no Link) Love Shadow - Break Free (The Strangle Hold):
That's it for now!
- The one, The ONLY, Holytotemic
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